If you’re a Liberty FCU member who travels or lives away from one of our branches, you can still access your account at any of thousands of other credit unions all across the nation. We’re not just talking about an ATM; we’re talking about a fully staffed office where you can conduct your credit union business with real people.
Just look for the CO-OP logo or visit the web site below to find locations near you.
For a complete list of shared branching locations, visit www.co-opcreditunions.org/locator.
1. Just bring your identification and credit union account number to the teller window of a participating credit union or credit union service center. You can find a branch near you here.
2. Let the teller know you're a member of Liberty Federal Credit Union, and you'd like to access their shared branch services.
3. That's it—it's that easy! You can conduct as many deposits, withdrawals, transfers, or loan payment transactions as you like, for free.
1. Just bring your identification and credit union account number to the teller window of a participating credit union or credit union service center. You can find a branch near you here.
2. Let the teller know you're a member of Liberty Federal Credit Union, and you'd like to access their shared branch services.
3. That's it—it's that easy! You can conduct as many deposits, withdrawals, transfers, or loan payment transactions as you like, for free.